Resources for the Fast

General Resources

Sunrise/Sunset Resources

How to use the above...

All the above guides to sunrise and sunset require your latititude and longitude, these can be looked up in the atlas. In the atlas you should search for your town name and you will get a result that looks a bit like this...

Oxford, ENG (UK): 51n46, 1w15, England 

...with geoclock and the Java clock the instructions explain how to enter this. For the Fast times site (which gives you all 19 days on one page) you would enter this information as follows...

Degrees: 1 (the first figure before the w, could also be an e)
Minutes: 15 (the figure after the w or e)
**West - East (Select west if your second number is split by a w, otherwise e)

Degrees: 51 (The number before the n, could be an s)
Minutes: 46 (The number after the n or s)
**North - South (Select North for n or South for s)

Time Zone
Enter your the number of hours you are ahead or behind GMT, select west if you are behind GMT (west of the UK) or east of you are ahead of it. In the UK enter 0. If you do not know then click on your cities name when you have found it in the Atlas (extra info. incl. time zone is displayed).

Year Enter 1999 or 155.

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Times for London